You'd think that on vacation I'd have so much time for posting. Apparently not. I'm going to go get a big bunch of photos for you before we begin our trek home early next week (prayers please!!)...but honestly, between my allergies, the crazy Spring Wind (steady 30 mph + do you see all of that SAND that is this land's natural terrain??!!), and rather chilly temperatures, I just haven't been outdoors as much as I usually am when I visit here.
We have been hanging out indoors, snuggling on the double lamb's-fleece rug I got from a Navajo friend who lives here and raises sheep. It is so thick and soft and Reina might go through withdrawal when she has to return to her regular old dog bed back home!
I'm starting my THIRD trimester!! And yes, I'm starting to feel it. I'm huge!! I'll try to post a picture of my belly soon. I tried to get one, but using "selfie method" I honestly had a hard time capturing my entire belly. Is that really bad? (#bigmama)
See St. Joseph in the background? I moved him onto the fireplace for his feast day and I LOVE having him there! St. Patrick's shamrocks are still healthy and blooming from the 17th, so they go to St. Joseph now. March is a nasty month for weather, but I love the feast days!
Sorry to keep interjecting my dog pictures...I told you I'm short on photos. Insert break for two-year-old love: smoosh! Yes, I'd recommend labradoodles for a family with young children. :)
I think the weather was appropriate for Holy Week. With my youngest being 2 and a half, we made it to the Holy Thursday night services as a family, which doesn't always happen. Legolas (just 4) fell asleep on the pew. Eowyn was WIDE awake (and running around the back of church like it was summer at the park!) Good Friday's service was at 3 pm. All THREE of my youngest fell asleep during that rather lengthy service. We may have drawn some attention.
Saturday night I allowed Arwen and Galadriel to attend the vigil with my mother-in-law. I was in bed before they got home at about 10:45pm! The Easter Bunny had already visited, so the girls were ushered STRAIGHT to bed!
And Mass was at 8am the next morning. We were woken by the kids at 6:45, made coffee at 7, found Easter baskets/candy, and were at Mass by 8 (or so...). Everyone looked nice except possibly Mama...who threw in curlers in an attempt to cover the fact that I didn't shower!! (So bad! So my reality.)
Remember it's First Friday today and First Saturday tomorrow!! xoxo
Happy Easter!!
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