Thank you so much, Jessica for setting this up again this year!
Welcome visitors, I hope you find something you like here (and do poke around my blog and come again!)
I have been trying to gather up and decide which materials to part with and which to hang on to for future use. I may be adding things as the sale goes on, so feel free to check back (or even ask!) to see if there is more.
I do not have PayPal so I am simply accepting checks via mail plus $5 shipping. If you e-mail me at megross01 (at) yahoo (dot) com we can trade contact information.
Also, I am very uncertain as to the pricing, so please make an offer if the asking price seems "off". This is my first time joining the sale, so I'm a little nervous!:) Thanks for your patience and
happy hunting!:)
"Math-It" program. This is a plastic case with two cd's and several packets inside ("dubblit", "timzit" and "addit")(unused, "like new") $10
Singapore Math
Kindergarten texbook, unused, "like new":$3

(oops--just noticed one scissors cut (about an inch or so into the front cover)--a little piece of scotch tape would make it unnoticeable, but for full disclosure)

Singapore "Primary Mathematics"
Level 1B: $3
Level 2B: $3
Level 3A: $3
Level 3B: $3
(all "like new" condition, unused).
Saxon Math
Update: Saxon Teachers' Manuals for Kindergarten and grade 2 are still available.
Teachers' Editions (manuals) for K-3rd grade, unused, shelf-wear only: $10 each
Saxon 1--
Saxon K teacher's manual- $10
I also have the meeting books for the primary levels--asking $10 each.
Saxon 2 teacher's manual--$10
Saxon 3 teacher's manual- $10--sold!

5/4 Solutions Manual (homeschool edition): $5-
I have a 5/4 tests and worksheets with the first two lessons done in pencil and the pages 15-33 torn out on the perforated line, but still "in" the book. The entire book is 3-hole-punched, so if placed in a binder, the only "problem" would be the two (hundred addition facts time test) lessons.--$5 "or best offer"
Saxon 6/5 solutions manual--$5
7/6 Tests and worksheets, solutions manual: $5 each--sold!
(use/wear to cover, a little dog-eared, other than that, super condition, unused CD Rom included): $5.00--
sale pending!
These are unused, perfect condition, hardcover:
Midwest Theological Forum Didache Series -- $20.00 each
Our Moral Life in Christ--
[sale pending]
Introduction to Catholicism--
[sale pending]
Understanding the Scriptures--
[sale pending]
A Child's History of the World, hardcover: $7.00
[sale pending]
(also from Calvert)
The Story of Beatrix Potter, hardcover: $5

**In case anyone is using Calvert Homeschool materials, I also have the storybook reader that is used in the pre-K currriculum.

Idiot's Guide to Poetry, used, $5

Story of the World Activity book: $7--
Story of the World Tests and Answer Key: $5--sold!
Mother of Divine Grace "leftovers" that I'd love to pass on: (sorry for the sideways pics, trying to do this with a whole buncha kiddos around!!)
Intermediate Language Lessons: $7--sold!
Harp and Laurel Wreath, (tattered cover): $5--
Music Kit: $5
**For MODG, I have other curriculum leftovers from the year we used their materials. I have some lesson plans for primary/elementary grades. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail or leave a comment if you are looking for something in particular.
Random Extras for Mom
The Essential Pepin (waterstain on cover): $20 "or best offer"
The Official Lamaze Guide: $5
Fertility Cycles Nutrition (third edition): $5
Good Discipline Great Teens, Dr. Ray: $5
Seton Homeschool:
Kindergarten Manual: $10

a little cute/funny--my son wanted to see if he could sell any of his books. These are both hardcover and in good condition. $5 each

This is a EWTN dvd documentary on the Crusades- $5
Thank you and please check back as I continue to update the sales!!
**Note: I am starting to get my boxes ready to ship. I have 8 children and lots of books! If by some accident I make an error and fail to ship the correct items, please e-mail me and I'll try to remedy the mistake right away!!