"When we had our children, our ideas changed somewhat. Thenceforward we lived only for them; they made all our happiness and we would never have found it save in them. In fact, nothing any longer cost us anything; the world was no longer a burden to us. As for me, my children were my great compensation, so that I wished to have many in order to bring them up for Heaven" -- Saint Zelie Martin, mother of St. Therese of Lisieux, canonized October 18, 2015 along with her husband St. Louis Martin.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday Musings in June

I am listening to: silence.  My kids are all outside!  Sometimes, I just love summer!

Around the house:

a new member of the household joined us on Saturday.  Reina has been...an angel!

My future running partner:

She may look sporty, but a few turns around the yard and she flops down and sleeps!

Do you know how difficult it is to photograph a black dog?


But in this pain our God comes to us. The Gospel tells us that we will never understand God’s victory, we will never understand Easter, until we face Good Friday. Remember what Mary did when they took her Son away. “At the Cross her station keeping,” says the old hymn. We need to stand at the foot of the cross with Mary, stay right there looking at Jesus, and not run away. Because the road to Easter runs through Calvary.  

you can read the rest here

Reading: Can I recommend St. John Paul the Great: His Five Loves?

I just started it, but it's easy reading, and really really inspiring. I'll share more if I can, after I've read past the first chapter.

In the garden: I have given up.  Planting in the earth isn't happening for me this summer (or at least not now.)  I've bought planters, hanging pots, potted flowers.  I get my flowers, and all I have to do is water them.  Happy.

Don't forget: it's Monday!! I can't tell you how I love all of the beautiful scripture filling my home this summer.  My 7 year old said he had the first psalm almost memorized! 

A few plans for the week:  swimming lessons, baseball games, softball games...training a 9 week old puppy new tricks, like sleeping through the night...

Still loving:  the curls!  (last one, promise!)

Sharing a Homily

If you have time, I really enjoyed this consideration of last Sunday's readings:


Saturday, June 27, 2015

I so needed this

When the weight of current events feels crushing, remember one thing that shouldn’t surprise you: The antidote to what is huge, overpowering, and violent is that which is small, meek, and humble. In this case, the remedy is found in the heart of your home. Your own prayer, the prayer of your family, the life you live in union with the Church — will save the world.

Thank you, thank you, Auntie Leila  (Go peruse all she has for us today.)

Monday, June 22, 2015

"In-Laws Visiting" Daybook

I am listening to...

Arwen reading to Gramz in the living room.  Over the past three years of visits they've made it through all of The Hobbit and two books of The Lord of the Rings.  Because you're never to old to learn? Because my Mother-in-law has the patience of a SAINT!!!

and..."Papa" snoring on the couch.  It's a long day of travel from New Mexico!

I am thinking...

Please, please don't rain again!! It is always (always) awful weather when my in-laws visit.  Last week was perfect weather here. This morning: severe thunderstorms.   Really, can you compete with the Southwest for sunshine and blue skies?

Plans for today...

If it doesn't rain again, Bilbo has a baseball game. We hit the Lego exhibit at the mall this morning. Right now Legolas is napping and the kids are running around outside.

made of legos!
I just noticed...

Gimli has fallen asleep next to Papa on the couch.
the "Liberty Bell"
Giving thanks...

for safe travels, for time with our beloved grandparents/parents/in-laws, and...that my husband didn't inherit his dad's snoring!;)

 for receiving my first checks from the books I sold on the Curriculum Hop!  Over $100!! Plus, shelf space?! Thank you!!! 

I promise this will be the last time I mention these guys (for a while), but there was a Lego model of Miller Park, replete with...yes...the racing sausages!! Do you see them in there?!!! 

Don't miss yours!!...

It's Monday: Vine of Plenty has the newest Psalm for the Summer ready for you to download!  I LOVE having scripture quotes filling my walls this summer!!

Saturday, June 20, 2015


My in-laws are coming for a visit this coming week so I may not be able to post for a bit.

I probably should have been cleaning, scouring, and otherwise perfecting my home for them, but today I woke up sick.  Just a cold, but enough to make me achey and maybe a little crabby.

Last night I was out late with my littles at a baseball game.  (Aragorn hit a homer and Gimli got a triple. Yay!)  They had another game this morning at 8 am.  Did I mention my husband coaches them? So he had to make a line-up this morning before they left.

Unfortunately, Eowyn had an ear ache last night and cried for quite awhile around 4 am.  I got up for the day at 5, and made ham and eggs before the ball players left.

I napped this afternoon.  After that I worked in the yard (that's my stress therapy) thinking of the clothes I should be packing away inside. But I couldn't bring myself indoors: it was a beautiful day!  So I worked until Eowyn wouldn't let me put her down again (and I was hot and dirty anyway).  Then I showered and we went out for Mexican as a family (because I still maintain that avoiding kitchen messes is as good as a day spent cleaning said kitchen!).

Do you see the tadpole in the front corner? I think his name is "Kip" and the fish is "Gillbert"

I grocery shopped yesterday, so there is food for when my parents-in-law arrive.  And I got flowers for the mantle in a small effort to make things pretty.

My husband tells me that his parents are coming to be with us, and that they don't care about the house.   I'm going with that.  (Don't be fooled: we'll get it spiffy before they come in.)

(I'll let you know how it goes!);)

Friday, June 19, 2015


Because sitting in the grass with your little ones is better than getting something crossed off the to-do list.

Because chasing bunnies and laughing out loud is good for the soul.

Because life is short and time is precious.

Because it's summer.

Because it's Friday.


Thursday, June 18, 2015

{Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real}

We made a clover crown for Coconut. As long as the grass isn't cut...we may as well make the most of our "fields of clover"!


Finally!  Summer is here!  Our first attempt at getting out the pool. Ah, the anticipation! 


Somebody else likes to finish off leftover cake.  Like her mother.:)

she wasn't about to fall, she was just really excited!


Judge me if you will, my children caught a chipmunk.  This is something of a common childhood activity for those of us who live in the Midwest.  There are tons of these guys everywhere, and they're pretty easy to catch.  

My kids named him, took pictures, and then released him into the woods.  

In the Southwest we do the same thing with skinks (oh yes we do)!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wordless Wednesday

and a bonus!! This is also "Baby Wearing Wednesday!"

Man--it's hard to get a cute pic of the baby on your back...I believe this is the first (and only?) time I could have used a "selfie stick!"haha

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Curriculum Sale Blog Hop

Thank you so much, Jessica for setting this up again this year!

Welcome visitors, I hope you find something you like here (and do poke around my blog and come again!)

I have been trying to gather up and decide which materials to part with and which to hang on to for future use.  I may be adding things as the sale goes on, so feel free to check back (or even ask!) to see if there is more.

I do not have PayPal so I am simply accepting checks via mail plus $5 shipping.  If you e-mail me at megross01 (at) yahoo (dot) com we can trade contact information.  

Also, I am very uncertain as to the pricing, so please make an offer if the asking price seems "off".  This is my first time joining the sale, so I'm a little nervous!:)  Thanks for your patience and happy hunting!:)

"Math-It" program. This is a plastic case with two cd's and several packets inside ("dubblit", "timzit" and "addit")(unused, "like new") $10
Singapore Math
Kindergarten texbook, unused, "like new":$3 
(oops--just noticed one scissors cut (about an inch or so into the front cover)--a little piece of scotch tape would make it unnoticeable, but for full disclosure)

 Singapore "Primary Mathematics"
Level 1B: $3
Level 2B: $3
Level 3A: $3--sold!
Level 3B: $3--sold!

(all "like new" condition, unused).
Saxon Math

Update: Saxon Teachers' Manuals for Kindergarten and grade 2 are still available.

Teachers' Editions (manuals) for K-3rd grade, unused, shelf-wear only: $10 each

Saxon 1--sold
Saxon K teacher's manual- $10 
I also have the meeting books for the primary levels--asking $10 each.
Saxon 2 teacher's manual--$10
Saxon 3 teacher's manual- $10--sold!

5/4 Solutions Manual (homeschool edition): $5-sold!
I have a 5/4 tests and worksheets with the first two lessons done in pencil and the pages 15-33 torn out on the perforated line, but still "in" the book.  The entire book is 3-hole-punched, so if placed in a binder, the only "problem" would be the two (hundred addition facts time test) lessons.--$5 "or best offer"
Saxon 6/5 solutions manual--$5
7/6 Tests and worksheets, solutions manual: $5 each--sold!

 (use/wear to cover, a little dog-eared, other than that, super condition, unused CD Rom included): $5.00--sale pending!


These are unused, perfect condition, hardcover:
Midwest Theological Forum Didache Series  --  $20.00 each

Our Moral Life in Christ--[sale pending]
Introduction to Catholicism--[sale pending]
Understanding the Scriptures--[sale pending]


Calvert, A Child's History of the World, hardcover: $7.00  [sale pending]

(also from Calvert)  The Story of Beatrix Potter, hardcover: $5
  **In case anyone is using Calvert Homeschool materials, I also have the storybook reader that is used in the pre-K currriculum.

Extras:     Idiot's Guide to Poetry, used, $5    

 Story of the World Activity book: $7--sold!
Story of the World Tests and Answer Key: $5--sold!

Mother of Divine Grace "leftovers" that I'd love to pass on: (sorry for the sideways pics, trying to do this with a whole buncha kiddos around!!)

 Intermediate Language Lessons: $7--sold!

 Harp and Laurel Wreath, (tattered cover): $5--sold!

Music Kit: $5
**For MODG, I have other curriculum leftovers from the year we used their materials.  I have some lesson plans for primary/elementary grades.  Feel free to shoot me an e-mail or leave a comment if you are looking for something in particular.  

Random Extras for Mom

 Hardcover The Essential Pepin (waterstain on cover): $20 "or best offer"
The Official Lamaze Guide:  $5
Fertility Cycles Nutrition (third edition): $5
Good Discipline Great Teens, Dr. Ray: $5

 Seton Homeschool:

Kindergarten Manual: $10

a little cute/funny--my son wanted to see if he could sell any of his books.  These are both hardcover and in good condition. $5 each

This is a EWTN dvd documentary on the Crusades- $5

Thank you and please check back as I continue to update the sales!!

**Note:  I am starting to get my boxes ready to ship.  I have 8 children and lots of books! If by some accident I make an error and fail to ship the correct items, please e-mail me and I'll try to remedy the mistake right away!!