When you are the littlest brother,
the fifth brother, and the ninth child in a crazy big family,
Are you overshadowed by those big brothers? The 5-year-old who thinks he is Batman?
Does your Mama just hand you a PBJ for lunch with the rest of the kids and plunk you on your big sister's special pink chair?
Do you mind? What is it like being number nine?
If your bigger big brother is a chef and bakes you cookies? Will your Mama just let you eat them?
Why? Do you like food or something?
I'm pretty sure whatever you want, you will probably get. I'm pretty sure you have a good chance of being incurably spoiled. Can we help ourselves?
We'll plop you right down with the little kids so you feel like you're part of the gang.
And when Mama takes crazy selfies with the kids,

She's sure to make sure she gets one with just you, too!
And you'll learn to stand by pulling up on the dog cage that is bigger than you, and you'll love a fluffy labradoodle that is bigger than you, too!
And your 14-year-old biggest brother who hates having his picture taken, will work to get you to smile and wave for the camera.
And big high-school-aged sisters get to take selfies with you too. You are happy that she's taking them with you and not any other boy! Good job, Sam!
Is Mama getting nostalgic as you draw near to your first birthday? Has Mama tried to write the "birthday post" over and over again? Maybe.
Maybe there won't be a birthday post. Maybe this is all she can do.
Maybe she will take pictures of you sleeping when she is pretty sure there aren't too many more days that you will fall asleep on her shoulder.
Is your Mom pretty sure there has never been such a cute, sweet baby ever before?! How can your Mom have had NINE children and still be so overwhelmed by your wonderfulness?
How can I keep you from growing up so fast?!
I can't. So, I write sappy posts that your biggest sister will make fun of me for. But I might look back and see these pictures, and smile or laugh. Loving every sweet moment of your first year of life.
And wondering, what God has in store for you in the years to come!
There will definitely be a birthday post. But since it's not actually your birthday yet, this is just a catch-up baby-gush post. I know everyone will excuse me. How in the world could I help myself?!
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