You saw when the Mama Robin made her nest, and you saw the first chick hatch. I told you they were about to fly. And then I might have cried, because my baby was flying to Europe with my parents for the ordination of her uncle. The longest she had ever been away was about 5 days at a camp that was 40 minutes away (and she was with her cousin).
feathered and ready to fledge |
This morning Bilbo came running into my room as I got ready for the day: "Mom! Aragorn's bird flew!" My boys each picked a bird to name. Aragorn's was "Gerald", Gimli's was "Buckey", and Bilbo's was "Francie". I know. We're nuts.
Today Gerald flew for the first time. And it was the sweetest thing to watch the Mama Robin greet her chick on the green grass.
I couldn't help but be a little jealous: her chick was safe and sound; on the ground!
Mine is en route! (prayers again please!)
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