I'm posting this one a day late. Arwen noticed all of the drafts I have sitting in my box that I haven't finished and said I should post them. I'll try to finish this one up quickly and post it just for her!:)
Outside my window: I can see the sky this morning. The sun is glowing gently. Yesterday we saw sun, but it was really chilly. Friday and Saturday were really quite awful: sleet and snow as well as rain awful. I think rain is predicted for tonight. One really could get discouraged. However, I have found that this Spring the key to survival is to appreciate every moment of blue sky and sunshine that breaks through the clouds. Focusing on the moments of dry and sun, and preferably getting outdoors to enjoy those moments, has been keeping me (more) sane this Spring.
I am listening to: The muffled voice of Legolas who is buried in a pillow igloo in my living room. And Reina getting restless in her kennel: I should be taking her on her morning walk!
( I should add that he sings to himself as he plays) |
I am noticing: My pregnancy ticker says I have 40 days left of this pregnancy! No wonder I am beginning to lose my sanity. Balancing the patient completion of my daily tasks and our home schooling year along with all of my urgent desires to nest has begun to take its toll. I finally decided upon a quilt for the crib: I went to buy it...and then noticed it was $140!!! Back to the drawing board.
(It was so cute!)
**Update: I found Legolas' old bedding, which I thought was lost! I'm so happy! I loved that bedding!!
Living the Liturgical Year: We're back in Ordinary Time! Wow--way back when Lent started and then through the Easter season--it's been a long journey. I am looking forward to seeing the green vestments again!:)
From my garden: my Lily-of-the-Valley is in bloom!!! I am in LOVE with lily-of-the-valley. It spreads like crazy and can take over a garden, but when it is in bloom (which never lasts long) it is the most heavenly little flower! I am in love with how fragrant it is!
Eowyn and I went out yesterday to collect flowers for Jesus and Mary. Jesus got the Lily-of-the-Valley, and since no flowers bloom in my yard...
I broke some blooms from our crabapple tree for Mary:
Funny toddler talk: Eowyn: "Buckle me
(I dashed to the grocery store with just Eowyn yesterday. She is always afraid I'm not going to unbuckle her when we arrive somewhere.)
Plans for the week: Get Arwen packed for her trip to Europe to attend my brother's ordination.
A baseball game for the kids with their dad. School. Overhaul, weeding/purging, re-organization and deep cleaning of every square inch of our home (look at the pregnancy ticker and you'll understand where this is coming from)! Baseball and softball practices.
A birthday party for a favorite nephew on Saturday at the park--I'm really looking forward to a day at the park with my sisters and friends! I need to refill my tank with some girl time! If the kids get cupcakes while I'm at it, all the better!!