And then, mid April, we got a half foot of snow. So, what the heck, let's just go ahead and do that 1000 piece Christmas puzzle. Because, if December and January didn't bring us to this point, snow in April did. We have resorted to Christmas puzzles. And we aren't even a puzzle family.
Well, we weren't.
But, when the weather happened to raise closer to the 50 degree mark, Bilbo, who turned 10 (and I owe a Birthday post to), took his kayak out on the local pond.
Which was awesome.
But then, we got sick. A super nasty sickness. I can handle a lot when it comes to sickness. I really am not phased by the stomach flu, and that's saying a lot. I mean, I don't want to get it, but if my job as a mom is just mopping up, I can handle that.
I don't like high fevers because they scare me. My kids can get night terrors with fevers, and those are something that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I also don't like earaches because they are so outrageously painful and there's not that much you can do to help.
With the "April sickness" that followed the snow storm, ahem, SNOW STORM
(just to give you an idea), the kids got earaches. So, while we dosed them with ibuprofen as needed, there were long days with very miserable children and one which ended with Eowyn (4) screaming that "it was making her crazy" (her ear) as she waited for the medicine to kick in. I frantically got hot and cold packs, whipped out my essential oils, all to little or no avail, until the medicine did work and she fell asleep for the night.
Mercifully (and I did pray), they did wake up better the next day.
But of course, that was the first few, and there are several more rounds of "a few kids" before we get through the family. In other words, the little kids are better today, the big boys felt worse. The three girls (besides Eowyn) probably got this first. So, it's been a real stretch here this April. A stretch.
But, hope dawns eternal. May is just around the corner!
Have a good weekend!
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