"When we had our children, our ideas changed somewhat. Thenceforward we lived only for them; they made all our happiness and we would never have found it save in them. In fact, nothing any longer cost us anything; the world was no longer a burden to us. As for me, my children were my great compensation, so that I wished to have many in order to bring them up for Heaven" -- Saint Zelie Martin, mother of St. Therese of Lisieux, canonized October 18, 2015 along with her husband St. Louis Martin.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Thinking about Restoration

I've been talking and talking about my spring cleaning efforts.

Do you know that my husband actually complimented my clean SPICE CABINET?!! I cannot imagine what he was looking for in there.  Salt, maybe?

It reminded me that I have done some things.  {And here I'm letting out a really big, pregnant sigh}.

Because, I have just SO many PEOPLE in this home!!!  And a labradoodle (are you sick of hearing about her?  She's super cute, and for that matter, so are all of those little people!!).

Elizabeth Foss just posted a really big "catch up" on her life--and it is really something to make the rest of us count our blessings (unless you are covered in welted burns...)  She's gearing up for another "Restore" workshop this Lent.  But in all of that amazing post, you know what stood out for me?  Her list of things she wanted to do with her girls.  Zoo Lights and iceskating.  Sewing, reading novels.

It struck me.  I don't put things like "take the kids iceskating" on my personal "to do" list.  Lately, it's been all "Magic Eraser the foyer walls" and "Deep clean the kitchen".

Elizabeth didn't even get to do those things (yet), but she totally inspired me (as she usually does) to renew myself by focusing my attention on my precious children.
Yes, I'm re-posting the toes!:)

If I keep adding to my list of places to clean, I'm finally just going to burn out.  Honest truth: it sort of happened.  For the past couple of days, I've started yelling and whining and sulking about how I need more help (!).   I think, maybe, the house is ok.

I've gotten the cobwebs.  Apparently, my spices are orderly (it sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?!).

Maybe now, I need to make a new bucket list: get chai with my oldest daughter.  Go on a walk with my 5-year-old.  Read "Little Bunny Follows His Nose" six times in a row to my 2-year-old (as opposed to the five times I read it last night and then said "ask your dad!").

I've got plans for making about 20 bags of take-home pink playdoh for our co-op valentine's day party next week...and there's some big storm headed our way next Tuesday.   [Did you read that sister-who's-due-any-day-now?! A storm!! Barametric pressure drop = my babies always come! Get ready!]

I'm thinking lots of hot chocolate, maybe the help of a couple nieces, a trip to Michael's and we could have us a big big playdoh play date to bring all kinds of messy fun into my weary little soul.

Children are so good for us mothers.  I think I just need to stop "managing" everything and remember that "mothering" has to include enjoying, cherishing, and simply basking in the joy they bring.

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