"When we had our children, our ideas changed somewhat. Thenceforward we lived only for them; they made all our happiness and we would never have found it save in them. In fact, nothing any longer cost us anything; the world was no longer a burden to us. As for me, my children were my great compensation, so that I wished to have many in order to bring them up for Heaven" -- Saint Zelie Martin, mother of St. Therese of Lisieux, canonized October 18, 2015 along with her husband St. Louis Martin.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

mid-January Daybook::It's Cold Outside!!!

Outside my Window:  Bright sunny skies!  Do you know that when it's freezing cold it's sunny out?  If the weather warms up to 20, it's gonna be bleak and overcast.  I will never complain about sub-zero weather so long as the sun is shining!  (But I'm not gonna lie: my poor labradoodle hasn't had a proper walk in days--my face freezes and I head back home half way down the block!)

From the Schoolroom:  Bunnies!?!  It's so so cold, my poor little friends have to come in and warm themselves a bit.

 I picked up an inexpensive indoor hutch and we've been rotating their visits inside.   Sometimes we get out boxes and bring all of them in to play...but the boxes don't work that well for these frisky friends:

 Little stinker.

Here's the scary truth: I can't be 100% positive that we won't have a litter of bunnies in a couple of months: my husband found a certain healthy buck with a certain healthy doe.  We frantically dashed to separate the pair and return them to their respective boxes.  I'm hoping we were in time!!

 Yep, he hopped right up.  Looking for his lady love.  (Rabbits! (eye-roll)).

Plans for the Week: I'm headed to City Hall to see if I can reserve rooms beneath our local library for a Spring Co-op.  With growing families it's really nice to find some larger spaces for get-togethers that doesn't place the burden of getting a house ready for visitors on any one mom.  This time of year I really start needing an outlet for my kids...and myself!

I'm hoping to make a pilgrimage on Friday to the local "Jubilee Doors" for the Year of Mercy.  Do you know about this?! You get a plenary indulgence if you walk through the special doors and fulfill the usual conditions (google it--this is an awesome opportunity!).  It's been forever since we've done a fieldtrip as a family, so this will be a nice morning off for us.

Basketball, basketball and more basketball...three kids, three teams, three practices and games and concessions duty!  Basketball.  It's been a good season, though.

Dentist!! I'm getting this blog post written as I wait for my last three to get their teeth cleaned! So love checking these little details off of the "good-mom" list!

Spring Cleaning:  I know I'm starting early, but it's my second trimester--there's no stopping me!  I'm still going from room to room washing walls and clearing out.  I want to post more on some of my little home improvements, but here's a preview.  My sister had me join her in doing "The January Cure" at http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/collection/january-cure-2016-895

you can check it out for fun.  I haven't been following it precisely, but it sort of keeps it in my brain on the day to day that this is something I want to focus on every day.  It also triggers thoughts about things I'd probably leave in the back closet of my brain.

I hung a collage of my wedding china on my kitchen wall and replaced a large, modern picture that I *used* to love there.  The picture had a lot of green color (it was a floral print of sorts) and had a thick black frame.  This picture isn't great (I'll try to get one with more perspective soon), but my kitchen is sort of a light grey/brown tone, and the white and reflection of the lights on the plates really freshens up the kitchen to me.  It also lends a bit of a sweet, old-fashioned feel to the kitchen, which I don't mind at all right now:).

Guess that's it for now!  Hope your week is going well!!

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