Last month Bilbo turned Ten! I failed to get a post up for him because I've been super busy with things like ballet performances and trying to finish the school year while tackling seasonal projects like changing over the clothes! Can I get a collective groan from all mothers on the changing over of seasonal clothing?! At least I have 9 pairs of boots, snowpants and winter coats (not to mention the hats and gloves) out of my foyer!! But back to Bilbo, this post is about him!
Bilbo was my first blonde-haired blue-eyed boy. That sort of set him apart from the get-go.
While he plays baseball (and football and basketball and golf) along with his big brothers, Bilbo has always had a little extra flair! He likes to bake. We've had more cookie sales (and lemonade stands) than I can count.
He is an entrepreneur, earning money to fund all of his wide array of interests and hobbies. Remember this?

The sign reads "If you want a ride, just ask us." Bilbo was the mastermind behind the "piggyback riding business". He also dog sits. He loves dogs!
Last summer he and Galadriel bought a tandem bike together.
With his extra cash he bought first this kite:
and subsequently quite a few others. One of them is tangled high up in our tree. I'm not sure how long it will be there, but it's florescent orange and in the front yard. Our neighbors are patient, bless them.
This year, after much pestering persistence, he convinced his dad to buy him a kayak for his birthday!
We were driving the other day and he said "Dad, the only other thing we need is a boat." My husband replied that he was alone on that one, it was something he'd have to do as an adult. Bilbo responded "Why not? It's just like driving a car." I don't even know how to comment on that one.
He's an avid fisherman,
and he likes to support that hobby with all of the gear. On his wishlist is some sort of a bass tracker electronic device...and a remote control boat that catches bass...of course, there are limits to what I'm willing to allow, and there are lessons to be learned about "gimmicks":). But he's definitely intrigued by it all!
(this would be a fishing backpack that holds tackle boxes) |
Oh yes, and he has his turtle named Harry.
He also was so intrigued by his sisters learning the piano that he started in on lessons at Christmastime and had his first performance this past March. He constantly reminds me that he would quit piano in an instant if I'd let him take tuba lessons!
Reeses are his favorite candy, so I made him a Reeses cake:
Basically, I just try to keep up with this boy and all of his enthusiasm. We sure do love him! Happy birthday Bilbo!
From the April storm of 2018!
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