I tend to get excited rather easily about new ideas. The Little Oratory has been percolating in my mind as I go about my rounds in these first days of Summer. Our yard has needed attention for a number of years and has been neglected since we usually leave for the summer months. So, since we aren't leaving this year, I have been able to get to some of the projects I've been wanting to do for too long.
To begin, I planted a bunch of hosts along the edge of our forest to neaten it up.
Then I planted a whole bunch of hydrangeas. I need to get more pictures of these, but here's one bloom that Arwen captured. I need something that doesn't require much sun, but that is large, so it doesn't get dwarfed by the scale of the forest.
Right now it's still bare, with our little St. Francis perched on a rock. I tried to frame out the "entry"with hydrangeas, which I'd like to place paving stones between, making a path inwards. I have my eye on a beautiful and large Mary statue at the local garden center. A birdbath would round things out…and a bench! We'll see how much I can get done. But it's there I'm my mind.
I need to get some more pictures, but that's what I've got for now. A little peek at my summer hobby. I really do love gardening!! Flowers just make me happy. However, I need to get back to the inside of my house, which always suffers when I get lost in an outdoors project for the afternoon. Luckily, pasta salads are a good summer dinner…so I can sort of slough off in the kitchen and get away with it!;) At least, for a day or two.
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