"When we had our children, our ideas changed somewhat. Thenceforward we lived only for them; they made all our happiness and we would never have found it save in them. In fact, nothing any longer cost us anything; the world was no longer a burden to us. As for me, my children were my great compensation, so that I wished to have many in order to bring them up for Heaven" -- Saint Zelie Martin, mother of St. Therese of Lisieux, canonized October 18, 2015 along with her husband St. Louis Martin.

Friday, September 1, 2017

7 Quick Takes

When you read #7, you'll know why my "quick takes" are so quick this week!

1) School began for us this week, and per tradition, the preschoolers began their nature walks.  Legolas is learning about seeds in his science book, so acorns, pinecones and any other "tree seeds" are an added boon.

 We come home and make "fairy houses"--today a little Lady Bug got added to the fun!

 2)  If at all possible, schoolwork should be done outside.  Winters are too long, good weather is too short.  Plus, spreading the kiddos around inside and outside makes for quieter work spaces for all.  Mama gets fresh air and a break from the schoolroom.  High fives all around.

3) Ever enterprising Bilbo requested chores to earn a kite.

If you can run fast enough, it'll fly without wind (well, for a little)!

4) My baby is almost 14 months old.  We moved him out of our room this week.  My babies all co-sleep.  This baby was just co-bedding and "sleep" wasn't really happening.  So he's out, and now we all sleep!  It was an incredibly smooth transition as I knew it would be, just given his food intake and his disposition in general.  The only hard part was Mama getting to the place where I'd let him go.  My baby!! <>

5) End of summer "Zoo" field trip.

6) Early fall outbreak of caterpillars.  Many varieties.  I sort of think it's wonderful that my children discover, marvel over, and make pets out of  these each year.  And yet some of them...creep me out.

And #7)

Just to prove that blogs really can highlight only the best in life, but blog jealousy is really something we should never fall for:  we contracted lice.

Revolted?  Me too.  Never happened before.  #neighborhoodfriends

Only one child had it (so far).  Seems to be contained (so far).

We're on day 6 and outbreaks of new generations should start showing up soon.  I'm on high alert.  Two girls have newly bobbed hair.  The razor is my best friend (for the boys).

Best advice? Tea tree oil.

Have an awesome weekend!!http://thisaintthelyceum.org/how-to-be-thankful-when-god-gives-you-what-you-want/


  1. Can you elaborate more on your smooth transition to getting your baby out of bed? I would love to do that and have no idea how!

  2. Honestly, we just moved his crib to a room down the hall and put him in it. The first night he cried for 50 minutes when he was used to nursing at about 11pm, and 30 minutes around 4am. The next night he cried for 10 minutes, and never cried after that! He is also 14 months old, eating and drinking from a sippy cup. He never nursed during the day after about a year. So, all of these factors come into play--he wasn't very attached to me, and I knew it wouldn't be especially traumatic to ween him. It was just a habit for him to nurse at night. Hope that helps!

  3. I should add that my husband went in to the baby's room during the crying on night one. He "offered" to hold Sam (who would go to sleep for naps in our arms) back to sleep, but Sam just got mad, wanting to be brought to me. So, my husband tried laying on the ground next to the crib saying gently "go to sleep". But Sam really just wanted me. So, since it didn't seem to help for my husband to be with Sam, we just waited it out. With other children, they were happy to have my husband in there with them until they fell asleep. That way they transitioned without tears.
