"When we had our children, our ideas changed somewhat. Thenceforward we lived only for them; they made all our happiness and we would never have found it save in them. In fact, nothing any longer cost us anything; the world was no longer a burden to us. As for me, my children were my great compensation, so that I wished to have many in order to bring them up for Heaven" -- Saint Zelie Martin, mother of St. Therese of Lisieux, canonized October 18, 2015 along with her husband St. Louis Martin.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Last Day of January

I know I've been entirely absent...lets see if I can give a quick little update.

Look who's sitting!!

Love this shot of his hair!  And no, it will never be cut! 

Almost 7 months old?? Where is my newborn?!  And he cut two teeth too!  I'm not ready for any of these milestones with Sam, but I cherish every detail of his little self.

Looking ahead...Candlemas is February 2nd.  I am pretty much addicted to having blessed candles to light during family prayer time.  I really really love having them blessed on this Feast of the Presentation.  

These are from the Dominican Sisters in New Jersey! (summitdominicans.org)  You must check out their website, and if you are lucky, when you order from them you might get one of their little newsletters that updates you on their life.  I was entirely charmed by the very funny and joyful glimpse I got into life as a cloistered nun!  

I absolutely have to add that the fact that they have a golden retriever (named Sabina) reminded Galadriel and I of her favorite mystery series about nuns!  

When I ordered the beeswax candles I added a candle snuffer to the cart.  It was only $10, and it supports the nuns--I had to buy it!  My kids absolutely love it, as children do.  And I just have to say, candle snuffers.  That's all.  I'm just saying.  Would it be weird if I started a collection? 

I couldn't give up this one last strand of Christmas lights, the ones in my kitchen.  I plug the lights in as I get my coffee and skip the glaring overhead lights until I'm a little more awake.   So, we updated the look: Galadriel and I ditched the Christmas garland she had made and replaced it with a felt heart garland that she sewed for me.  

And are we seeing the sunshine in that window?!  Yes, the picture is over exposed and I don't know how to work my new phone's camera.  But after two weeks of too much grey, I am very (VERRRYY) happy to report that the sun doth shine!

Have a good rest of the week!  And don't forget to get your throat blessed on Friday- the Feast of St. Blaise!!

Friday, January 6, 2017


My phone is messed up, so I have no photos.  Well, I do, but I can't get them onto the computer.  I'm working on this.

In the meantime, blogging takes a hit without photos.

Sam turned 6 months old and is saying "Da-da"!  I am pretty sure he says it cuter than any other baby did before.  Is it just me, or is every new baby always always always the cutest you've ever had?!  I'm telling you, Sam is record-breaking darling!  Plumpalicious.  Love. him. so. much.

Was that gush too much?  Please, just indulge a mother of 9.  I'll stop. (for now)

We are back at it with school.  Yikes!  Lots of work cut out for us from here on out!  Galadriel and Aragorn are almost through their vision therapy (more on that in another post).  Galadriel has shown awesome improvement in school, and now we are hitting Spelling hard.  Aragorn is doing a "writing workshop" with me, in which I also got him started on keyboarding skills.   I discovered "typing club.com" and I really like the old-fashioned way it teaches to type (i.e. no games, simple lay-out).  I've got my first 4 using it now.

I am doing speech therapy with Legolas, who (unlike Gimli) is able to form all of the sounds, but out of habit speaks incorrectly.  Did you know you can google "how to teach [whatever letter] sound" and you can find instructions?  I tried it with Gimli and wasn't able to help him (we went to therapy for about 6 months a few years ago so he could "get" his /r/s and /s/s.)  With Legolas, he's able to make all of the sounds, so I have to be consistent about practicing and reminding him throughout the day in order to help him make those sounds the way he speaks.  I hope that made sense.  Anyway, the chart on-line that I found gives kids until they are 8 years old to be able to make the sounds on their own, so Legolas, still 4, is at least on a good path for now.

Always something with kids, isn't it?!

Rosie just finished her first "Wreath" in Little Flowers.  My sister hosted a very small group and Rosie absolutely loved it!!  Unlike Arwen and the older boys, Rosie wasn't raised with weekly playdates and celebrations, so this was very special for her.   If I can get my act together, I want to do Blue Knights and Little Flowers this semester...I just have to order some books and go ahead and schedule it with a few friends!  Sounds easy, doesn't it?  I've been meaning to do this since Fall! (hello baby #9).

Guess that's it!

We have 8 (yes, 8) basketball games this weekend.  My sister has a baptism up in MN, which I am sadly unable to make (sob) of her sweet little baby GIRL!  And while I'm talking about sisters and babies, say a prayer that my sister who is expecting TWINS can get Baby A to FLIP!!!  Because right now the baby's breech and she's looking at a c-section.

Ok, my time's up.  Fun to be back:).