It is nearly impossible for me to get this--or any--post up! I just don't have the a) brain power or b) time. (sigh) Here's another try, and if it fizzles I might just hit "publish" and let it be what it is!
I've been a bit absent in this little corner of cyber space. With postpartum anxiety as my new sidekick in life, I do a bit better when I stay off of electronics. Especially away from pre-election hullabaloo. But now, thank God, that is behind us. About a million Hail Marys later! Our Lady of Victory. This isn't a political blog or a political post. I'm going to keep on praying for our country. But Sean Hannity called it a "modern miracle" and who am I to nay say?
Since last time...
Someone turned 4 months old.
Is he wearing red, white, and blue? I don't do it on purpose, but somehow this boy is always patriotic looking to me! Mr. 4th of July!
Football season ended for Aragorn and I thanked all of our patron saints of athletes that he made it through a season of full tackle football without injury or concussion!
Do you know how much I love seeing Legolas out there playing with his brothers? I don't know if it's because we homeschool or if he just makes for even teams, but I LOVE that my 4 1/2 year old is accepted into the fun by his older brothers. Now for Sam to join the ranks!
This has been the most gorgeous fall! I can't believe how sunny it has been. I've been trying to be dedicated to a cardio routine to ease my anxiety, and
outdoor exercise is SUCH a gift! What do I do? I try to jog. If I don't get a run in early in the day (i.e. when Sam is still asleep), then I take a long walk with Sam in his stroller. A power walk. I've got a 15-year old, a 13-year old and my husband around to hold down the fort so I can go. I'm not in my 20's and 40 is looking me in the eye: I'm learning long hard lessons about "self-care". It's hard to break out of the habit of being tied to your children all day every day, at their constant beck and call, but I am learning that I really need to take care of myself or I can't serve them. Same goes for the spiritual life. Must carve out that time. If possible, I prioritize time in the adoration chapel. Anyway, I'm learning.
must love |
I was at the dentist getting a cleaning for the first time in a decade. (Told you I needed to learn lessons in self-care). I was explaining that the reason it had been so long is that I'm always pregnant and they typically don't recommend going to the dentist when pregnant. They followed that disclosure with the logical question of "how many kids do you have?" Nine.
Yes, I have nine children.
You know what everyone always wants to know?
How do I do that? I try to give some sort of understanding, like, #1, I don't work outside of the home, so it's sort of "what I do". Then I explain that it's not like having 9 three-year-olds. I tell them my oldest is 15. I explain that the older kids can do things like dishes.
Then I get the second most-asked question: "so are you done?" Or are you going for 10?
This one stumps me. I mean really, has no one ever heard of someone who is morally opposed to artificial contraception? It really relegates you to the land of the kooky religious fanatic to suggest that you do not "plan" your children.
The truth is that at 4 months postpartum I'm not hoping to "go for" any number of children. I'm just recovering from this little one's arrival. We are all growing, learning, and loving our way into being a family with nine children. It's beautiful. And I'm not really thinking about future babies because that isn't really where my body is at for the moment.
Do I explain that my fertility hasn't returned yet? Do I talk about the path of Natural Family Planning that is open to Catholics in case of need?
I mumbled something about "Just hanging in there" right now. In better moments I let my light shine a bit more and try to speak about how much I love my life and my family. That morning, I just put a smile on and proceeded to answer questions about how old you had to be to be considered a "high risk" pregnancy and other fun topics. Sheesh!
Well, God bless that sweet 22 year old hygienist.
This weekend is all about leaf removal. We've got about 30 bags down and maybe 50 to go. A good start!
My girls are visiting their cousins out-of-state. I can't wait for them to come home! It feels positively empty with only 7 kids in the house! I did take the opportunity to take Miss Rosie on a "special day". Just her and I on a little trip to buy a new Lego set. It's hard being a middle child, and I think she felt left behind. Tonight we're watching "Chicken Run", which I love, minus the dramatic and violent ending....
And that's the end of these ramblings! I hear Sam.:)