Linking up with
1) Legolas. Can I just record that his most recent hobby is making little "fairy houses" with leaves and flowers and whatever else he finds around the yard? Today he was making one, stopped to go fetch his new school supplies (a pencil box filled with fresh markers), and began coloring on the leaves.
Why do I record this? Well, it strikes me as remarkably artistic of him. For those who know Legolas as something of a wild crazy active little fellow, the artistic element might be a surprise. Of course, I am delighted to encourage this in him! It must be getting close to school time!

2) Dog-sitting.
When you own a 50 lb. labradoodle, watching a little sheltie is like getting a chance to hold a baby when your kids are grown up.
My kids loved on this fluffy guy one morning this week. But you know what? He sheds.
This is why everyone should have a labradoodle. No shedding. Large, galumphing, and slobbery, yes. But no shedding.
So I say, go labradoodle. Unless you're into the incredibly darling, fluffy mini-lassie look. And shedding.
3) my garden. Ok, so, my garden is just a fail. My tomato plants must not have been disease resistant, because one of them got "wilt". I have gotten one (1) zucchini so far. But, I'm loving my eggplants! They look really cool growing. No peppers yet. Everything else is pretty much dead or just over. So, next year! Just wait. It's going to be way better!
4) State fair! Unfortunately my camera died (of course) after just a couple pictures. I sooo wish I had been able to capture my husband on the little kiddie rides that he had to go on with Eowyn.
My husband hates roller coasters. I almost died laughing when he went on a mini roller coaster with Eowyn. She was clutching the guard rail in horror and my husband was holding on (not to her) with his eyes shut. Both were pretty negative on that experience. Next year, we're hitting the baby bunnies, chicks and lambs!

5) Movie nights. We have decided to implement age-segregated movie nights in our home. As of December, I will have three teens in my house. I will have three more between the ages of 7 and 11. And I will have three between the ages of 1 and 5. Trying to choose appropriate movies that satisfy all of my children is increasingly difficult. Often we'll put a movie on and let Eowyn watch Cinderella (or the equivalent) on our laptop. Eowyn, I remind you, was traumatized for a week when she watched Charlotte's Web ("The spider died"). So, Friday is group A, the older kids, Saturday is group B, the middles, and Sunday is group C, the littles. I'm listening to some Lord of the Rings movie as I type.
6 and 7) I am gearing up for the school year, but (7) savoring every moment of summer. I'd flesh those thoughts out for you, but I'm too tired to verbalize (in writing) what goes into contemplating another year of schooling for each child. My hopes for them, academically or otherwise, and my plans. But that's the "gearing up".
The savoring? It's taking pictures of things like my window box. Because as a mother of 9 children, I really shouldn't be taking pictures of my window box. So I do.
To slow myself down. To take stock in the beauty. To give thanks.