Apparently the way I process enormous life events is to (very psychologically healthy) not talk about it. I refuse to name the cause of my large hiatus from my happy little corner of the blogosphere, but I'm going to carry on blithely as if nothing happened. I do "keeping it all inside" really well (except those who know me know this is nonsense).
And just like that, it's Summer! We emerge after NOT being able to get hair cuts or dogs groomed for two months. Here's the "after" of Muffin, all shaved down:
Sittin' pretty |
Want to see how bad it had gotten?
Poor thing could hardly see! She was a shaggy mess.
Muffin and Wilma play every morning. One of my favorite things. |
Then, just because I'm lucky enough to have a sister-in-law who is amazing at doing hair, Galadriel and I scored fresh cuts. I cannot believe how long my hair had gotten!!
But Galadriel's was beyond epic in length!
I only got a couple inches taken off (my SIL refused to chop it like I asked!)
But Galadriel lost at least 10 inches! (Sorry these pictures are so dark and awful!)
We were SO lucky to have another fawn in our forest this year! I saw the Mama in the forest in the morning, but the kids found the fawn later in the day while playing.
So precious!
Today is gloriously sunny and warm, but not hot or humid (we had a heat wave earlier this week). My boys are all off with their dad at a golf course. I bless the day the governor opened golf courses! It truly got us through *those months* giving my boys somewhere (anywhere!) to go outside of our home. My husband had given them permission to "hunt" squirrels during the unnamed shut down, but it backfired (pun- ha!) when my neighbors were concerned their dog might get hit (hashtag suburban problems).
For the rest of us (who couldn't golf), we pretty much survived by a) keeping a good home schooling schedule, b) doing noon Mass live stream, which allowed us to at least hear the daily readings, hear a good homily, feel connected to the Universal Church, the liturgical year, and make a spiritual communion daily, and c) going on many MANY walks daily. Our dogs have never been so happy!
Looking forward to many cheerful summer blog posts ahead!